Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Guidelines for lime to your garden

If you decide you need to apply lime to your garden, you can buy it from your local garden center, where it is available as either finely ground limestone or as dolomite. The difference is that dolomite also contains magnesium, making a good choice if your soil is also lacking this mineral.
Another cheaper option is “builder’s lime” – this can be found in hardware stores, costs less and should only be used in about half the quantities as when using lime from a garden center.
When should you apply lime? The best time to apply lime is in the fall. This is because high-nitrogen fertilizers commonly applied in spring react with lime, making everything less effective.
When used in fall, the lime will have time to dissolve into the soil, helping prepare it for the new growing season when the winter ends.
And one final tip that we’ve already touched on: remember to arrange your garden in a way that groups plants that have similar pH preferences. This way, you will be able to add lime in certain areas where it will be beneficial while leaving areas that don’t need it un-limed.
How to Fertilize Vegetable Plants

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